DepPro™ Tabs are the tablet alternatives to the original DepPro™ liquid. They provide a convenient and versatile way to take this smart drug, providing the same cognitive and brain boosting effect. DepPro™Tabs work to facilitate faster cognitive actions, improve concentration and boost brain function.
This product features in the
following categories
This product is associated with the following health conditions
ADHD/ADD Age Related Mental Decline Alzheimer’s Disease Anabolic State Blood Disorders Cardiovascular Conditions Chronic fatigue syndrome Cognitive Concentration Problems Conditions in Animals Dementia Depression Energy Improvement Erectile dysfunction Excitotoxins (reduction) Growth Hormone Deficiency Heart, arterial & blood health conditions HGH (Human Growth Hormone) Human Growth Hormone Lack of Sex Drive (Libido) Learning Disorders Longevity Enhancement Loss of Focus Low Libido Mental Stimulation Mitochondrial Support Parkinson’s disease Pets Poor Sports Performance Senile dementia Well-beingProduct Description
Deprenyl/Selegiline helps with the availability of dopamine available in our brains as we age. This is essential to maintaining youth and cognitive functions. Deprenyl is approved for use in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease but is also used for other neurological conditions “off label” such as depression, MS and Alzheimer’s Disease. It is a powerful nootropic (“smart drug”) that works to prolong lucidity and extend life expectancy potential.
Dopamine is a key player in multiple cognitive functions so having a deficit can cause problems. Levels start to decrease naturally as we age, especially when we reach 40+, but if there is a health condition at play like Parkinson’s Disease then the problem is compounded. It is key to preserve the quantity of available dopamine and reduce cell deterioration in key parts of the brain where dopamine is transmitted.
The graph above highlights the loss of dopamine with age, on average 13% per decade past the age of 40 for the average person, but far greater for those suffering from Parkinson’s disease.
Professor Knoll, who is a world leading authority on Deprenyl, has suggested using Deprenyl as part of a daily routine from the age of around 40. This is because data has shown that the tiny Dopamine serving nerve cluster in the basal ganglia, the “nigrostriatal tract”, typically begins to die off at an average rate of 13% per decade from the age 45 (or thereabouts). By supplementing with Deprenyl before this happens, the nigrostriatal neuron death rate could be lowered, leading to an increased life expectancy.
In addition, taking Deprenyl improves the effectiveness of brain power, therefore a higher quality of life is maintained.
A daily dose of DepPro™Tabs is typically 10mg a day. These can be divided into two doses of 5mg or taken as one in the morning.
We stock the most thoroughly researched HCL versions of Deprenyl, not Deprenyl Citrate.
Deprenyl/Selegiline is defined as a drug that is neuroprotective, non-toxic and will give few side effects, as is the same for all nootropics.
Deprenyl, by protecting dopamine levels in the brain is a cognitive enhancing smart drug that works to improve brain function, facilitate faster cognitive actions and improve concentration. If you are looking for Deprenyl, buy it from a reputable stockist such as Antiaging-Systems.
Disclaimer: Please note that only your own physician can determine your precise needs, but in order to give you some information these answers are based upon the ‘average person’ and clinical / published results.
Question: If Selegiline (Deprenyl) is used in combination for old fashioned non-selective MAO inhibitors, could it theoretically prevent these medications from causing the cheese effect?
Answer: We understand that whilst there is evidence that Deprenyl can prevent tyramine from entering noradrenaline using cells, we cannot find the degree of its effectiveness, as it would be unlikely to block all the action of tyramine, and even then there would be a wide variance of criteria, including dosages that would influence the outcome.
As such, whilst its titration may benefit from reducing or eliminating a cheese effect for a patient, there is no clear evidence that Deprenyl could be used for such a purpose. Therefore we would not recommend Deprenyl being used in this way.
However, what is clear is that Deprenyl does not cause the ‘cheese effect’ by itself.
Question: Can Deprenyl be used with other MAO inhibitors?
Answer: It is not recommended to concurrently use Deprenyl with other MAO inhibitors.
Question: I get random drug tests and I was told that Deprenyl can test positive for amphetamine metabolites, is this true?
Answer: In previous years this would not have been the case, but there have been some recent changes to some drug testing that could cause problems. In the past the amphetamine tests only looked for l-amphetamine, the active form that Deprenyl does not contain. However, some of the newer tests also look for the d-amphetamine which Deprenyl does contain, whilst this form does not induce amphetamine effects some of these new drug tests would create a ‘false positive’ effect with Deprenyl users.
If you are regularly being drug tested you should be aware of this possibility and ensure that you list Deprenyl / Seligiline onto your medicine list. Alternatively a ‘wash out’ of Deprenyl can be entertained prior to a test, but to ensure zero count (and obviously dependent upon the dose) this could take up to 3-weeks.
Question: From what source is the Selegiline (Deprenyl) derived (organic-plant or chemical)?
Answer: Selegiline (Deprenyl) is derived via a pharmaceutical process from plant materials; I believe the original material is the Chinese herb ephedra.
Question: I am taking 9mg of Deprenyl a day and experiencing stomach cramps, nausea and diarrhea, is the Deprenyl causing this?
Answer: Yes it could be that this relatively high dose of Deprenyl is causing some of the side effects you are experiencing. Whilst we are aware that some manufacturers recommend dosages in excess of 5 mg daily based on age, we are of the opinion that unless some forms of dementia, such as Parkinson’s is present, that there is no need to exceed an amount of 5 mg daily.
Most preventative medicine dosages are 1 to 3 mg daily, and we strongly recommend that dosages in excess of 5 mg daily are built up to gradually, so for example adding an additional 1 mg each week, providing no side effects are noted etc. It may well be possible that you can take the full 9 mg as recommended by the manufacturer, but that for now you should reduce your dosage to say 5 mg (or lower if necessary) and only attempt to increase this dosage as gradually as possible.
We also recommend taking occasional breaks from Deprenyl use, some people prefer 1-week a month; many take Deprenyl in the weekdays and none at the weekend.
Question: Would you be so kind as to help me understand why it is that Deprenyl in my case fails to raise my sex drive? Could it be that if used alone it won’t raise dopamine? Is it mandatory to use B6 + DLPA along with it for one DA to be raised?
Answer: Deprenyl usually takes about 3-weeks to get to a level whereby it is enhancing dopamine levels, of course much may also depend on the dosages you are taking, you didn’t mention those or your bodyweight which can also be a factor, however we don’t normally recommend more than 5 mg per day.
We would recommend that you read biochemist James South’s ‘Deprenyl – Extending Lifespan‘ article, in which he states the following:
In 1991 H. Sabelli reported successful results treating 6 of 10 drug-resistant major depressive disorder patients. (9) Sabelli used 5 mg DPR daily, 100 mg vitamin B6 daily, and 1-3 grams phenylalanine twice daily as treatment. 6 of 10 patients viewed their depressive episodes terminated within 2-3 days! Global Assessment Scale scores confirmed the patients’ subjective experiences. Vitamin B6 activates the enzyme that converts phenylalanine to PEA, so the combination of low-dose DPR, B6, and phenylalanine is a bio-logical way to enhance both PEA and catecholamine brain function, and thus to diminish depression.
Therefore the addition of 100 mg vitamin B6 and 1-3 grams phenylalanine may be beneficial for libido also, and although the above study was for depression, the fact that deprenyl enhances PEA more than it enhances dopamine may be a clue to its effectiveness, as the actual process of enhancing libido is not yet fully understood.
We have many more articles that contain references to Deprenyl in them; see:
It is not mandatory to add B6 and DLPA to Deprenyl to raise dopamine levels, but that methylation (the conversion of one chemical to another in the body) varies widely from person to person and that some people will need to ensure adequate nutritional intake in the form of vitamins, enzymes and similar to have effective methylation.
Ward Dean MD, recommends reducing Deprenyl doses after several months to lower levels and taking occasional sabbaticals.
Taking DepPro™Tabs can lead to similar side effects to taking other Nootropics such as Pyritinol or Cerestabon. These can include:
There have been reports of rarer side effects including irritability, insomnia, hyper-excitability and psychomotor agitation. These effects have been shown to be most likely caused by Deprenyl over-activating the DNA neural systems associated with these symptoms and reducing the amount of Serotonin being released, so taking a Serotonin booster such as 5HTP may counter these “psychic” effects.
Deprenyl (DepPro™Tabs) Testimonials
L-deprenyl is what good pharmaceuticals are all about. First it is exceptionally safe, second it protects and enhances mental function, mood and even libido, thirdly, it may even extend life. Imagine a safe agent that enhances both the quality and length of life – I’d certainly encourage others to buy deprenyl over other antiaging therapies.
Julian Whitaker M.D. Health and Healing Newsletter, Whitaker Wellness Institute, Newport Beach, California.
Many of us here in the States appreciate you making it possible for us to continue to get access to liquid deprenyl.
R.S., New Mexico.
My wife has benefited greatly from the use of Dep-Pro, her pre-Parkinson shakes are fading fast. She tells me the internal twitching is nearly gone!
RP, Illinois
I thought to drop you a line and let you know about the benefits of deprenyl for me personally. After three days of 5 mg daily, my essential tremor disappeared. My mind is sharper and suddenly. I can stay up to 10pm instead of going to bed at 8pm every evening. Presently, I feel like a new person. I believe that even my ‘senior moments’ have disappeared thanks to deprenyl.
RL, Hawaii