Hyperparathyroidism (not to be confused with other thyroid disorders such as Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism) is a condition directly related to the parathyroid glands. These produce parathyroid hormone which is responsible for calcium levels in the bloodstream and tissues. If these levels become unbalanced, the individual will suffer with Hyperparathyroidism (of which two types exist; primary and secondary). Primary causes high levels of calcium in the blood, and Secondary causes low levels. The symptoms of these do differ, but both can be treated with parathyroid hormone peptides.
Parathyroid hormone peptides work to normalize the function of the parathyroid by acting as a “gene switch” and regulating the parathyroid. There are different brands of parathyroid hormone peptides including Bonothyrk® and Nature’s Marvels ™.