4MU (4-methylumbelliferone), also known as Hymecromone, is a drug that has been quietly active in Europe for a number of years, primarily for treatment against cancers. Recent research has led to a “rediscovery” of this so called “wonder drug” as a supplement that may become part of the front line against human prostate problems.
At the moment, 4Mu is approved as a choleretic agent – this means it helps to increase bile secretion from the liver, thus acting as a detoxifying agent as well as an anti-spasmodic, alleviating digestive pain.
This product has the
following ingredients
Product Description
In addition to the uses above, 4MU (4-methylumbelliferone) also acts as an inhibitor of hyaluronan; it is surmised that it is this action, (although there may be others) that has shown it to be highly effective in assisting in all kinds of prostate issues, including (at least in animals) success in the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer itself.
Recent mice studies (1) have shown that when 4MU (4-methylumbelliferone) was administered at doses of between 200 mg and 450 mg per Kg bodyweight daily, that it helped mice, some of which had stage-IV prostate cancer, control the development of this advanced state and also stopped the metastasis of the disease to other tissues. Key trigger events/ improvements were noted at 12-28 weeks of treatment.
What’s more the researchers noted that the mice showed no signs of toxicity and that even at these high doses of 4MU (4-methylumbelliferone) remained non-toxic.
Only men have a prostate, and it is located just below the bladder. It is part of the male reproductive system, walnut sized, and grows naturally with age. This is not normally a problem, but some men find as the prostate grows, they begin to have problems with urination as it compresses the urethra. This can also go on to cause BPH (Beneign Prostatic Hyperplasia).
3d renderings of male reproductive system
Men who develop prostate conditions know all too well how uncomfortable it can be. The enlargement of the prostate can lead not only to painful urination, difficulty sleeping (because of night trips to urinate), but also to erectile dysfunction and even cancer.
It has been estimated that over the age of 50 a man has a 50% chance of developing some degree of BPH and that its incidence rises to 80% for those over the age of 80.
It is therefore clear that something like 4MU (4-methylumbelliferone) could offer hope to millions of men, to help prevent, slow and perhaps even reverse numerous prostate issues.
Human trials are ongoing to understand better the role of 4MU (4-methylumbelliferone) in various prostate conditions and to evaluate the dose that is most effective etc. IAS will report back on this in due course, including those from leading physicians and the results of the treatment of their patients.
4MUPro™ has the highest potency; indeed we believe these are the largest dose tablets currently available at 1 gram each. In general terms, to help to ‘shrink’ the prostate and ‘improve’ PSA levels, the current recommendation is one 4MUPro™ tablet (1000 mg) three times daily. These doses are open to amendment under the close personal supervision of your physician.
It is not recommended to use 4MU (4-methylumbelliferone)/4MUPro™ tablets if you have gall stones.